An Unexpected Error Occurred When trying to access the settings in Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager (8.12.x)

Recently, I have patched our Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager from 8.12.0 to 8.12.x Patch 2 from its web UI and encountered a strange issue where we were getting the following error when trying to get into any of the settings like ‘System Patches, System Upgrade, System Settings, DNS, NTP Servers, Binary Mapping’ etc., on the web UI.

Upon closer inspection, I couldn’t find anything wrong with the appliance itself or its services.

I even restarted the appliance with no success

I checked the vpostgres service, vrlcm-server service and they were active.


I stopped and started the vrlcm-service and this resolved the issue. I am not able to get into all the settings on the VRSLCM Web UI.

The above screenshot shows the commands to stop and start the service on the VRSLCM SSH Session.

Hope this helps if you come across this issue.